
Reach the rank
you deserve!

Porofessor is the most popular companion app for League of Legends, used by over 1,000,000 pros and aspiring summoners

10.8M+ downloads / 100% free

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Player Tags & Team Tags

Know everyone's strengths & weaknesses, including your team comps as well!

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In-game Analytics

See how you fare against other players in your elo, all live while in-match

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Post Match Analytics

Get a detailed post match breakdown, to see what to keep and where to improve

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Duo Matches Finder

Find other friendly players to join you in duo-ranked matches

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Import Builds, spells and runes

An easy way to import builds, spells and even runes directly into your client

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Simplified patch Notes

Get summarized easy-to-follow patch notes and keep up with nerfs, buffs, or balance changes


Reach the rank you deserve with Porofessor

10.8M+ downloads / 100% free


Built on Overwolf